
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Press Release in SEO

A well-written press release should contain embedded links to key web pages on your site. Then, when it is distributed through a press release distribution service and is syndicated and posted on numerous third-party websites and blogs, you automatically have a powerful set of links (with chosen anchor text) back to your site. This means those links serve as a link signal for the major search engines and elevate your search visibility for your website. A press release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something claimed as having news value. Typically, it is mailed or faxed to assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, and/or television networks. Commercial newswire services are also used to distribute news releases.

Importance of Press Release :

In the recent times, press releases have gained huge popularity. The reason behind this is their inexpensive nature as well as the effectiveness of the information being provided through them. Another peculiar fact about a PR is that you do not have to wait for weeks and months for their release, rather PRs are released as soon as they are completed and they are also available for reading for a very long time. Over time, more and more websites and businesses have been seeking press release services. This is clearly due to the reason that an effective PR is capable of boosting the customer density of a website or business. When people read positive reviews and comments about a service, they are automatically tempted to invest in them. Due to this reason, PRs have also emerged as one of the best ways to advertise your services and products to the world.

Looking at the positive side of a good press release, we can say that the introduction of PRs has definitely changed the way social media interact with the people all around the world. Press release can also be seen as a new age marketing tool that helps online websites as well as small and large businesses to reach out to a whole new set of audiences every day. A press release is all about the publicity that you can do for your online business. The more publicity you do for your goods and services the more your business gets recognized everywhere on and off of the web. The trick is in making use of all the publicity tools including press releases in the correct way to draw attention to your site. Publishing press releases on the web is one great way of going about the successful publicity of your site.

Well, it is not enough just to write press releases and publish them on the web, you must know the correct way of writing a press release to be noticed on the web. There are hundreds of press releases posted on the web on a daily basis and there are chances that the one you write will get lost among the lot. The press release that you write must be just perfect to make you visible on the web.

The first and foremost rule of writing a good press release is that the information that you give throughout the press release must be newsworthy. Who will even read the press release that you have written if the information is not newsworthy? Remember, your press release must not sound like an advertisement. Rather it should be newsworthy information about the product or service you are offering to customers. There is a very thin line between writing about your site and the write up not appearing as advertisement of your business. 

Always remember to ask the question how you as a customer will feel while reading your write up. And if you feel that you would not like to read it, then you drastically need to change your press release. If you do not like something chances are no one else will like it either. Put special emphasis on the first paragraph of your press release. Most editors do not go beyond the first paragraph and if you are going to create a first impression then half the work is done. If some one likes to read your first paragraph then they will go through the entire thing. Press releases have more credibility among all the other publicity methods. While reading a press release readers do not feel that they are reading some other disguised advertisement about a product. Readers and online visitors are more likely to trust credible sources like columnists, editors and reviewers about the authenticity of any write up appearing anywhere. Editors will not publish anything that is not well written. 

Press Release for a new Product :

In case you want to introduce a new product into the world market, press release is the ultimate option for you. All you need to do is simply write a great PR for your product and get it published on the entire major search engines as well as social networking websites on the internet. Social networking websites have emerged as the best market for introducing new products and services.

Improving Brand Name and Portability :

Since press releases are highly influential, every business enterprise today sends out a number of press releases from time to time. These PRs not only help in introducing new products into the market but also help in improving the brand name and image of the business. Also, publishing PRs at regular intervals keeps your audiences updated about your latest ventures and products.

With the advent of technology, smart phones and other high end gadgets have simplified life to a great extent. This also means that people will have access to your PRs directly from their mobile phones as well. This is further a boost for your business.

Role of Press Release in SEO :

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and a great PR definitely helps in improving the SEO of your website. You must always include necessary links and keywords in your PR so that the traffic gets redirected straight to your website. In order to trigger discussions and communications on your site, you can also provide back links with your PR. All you need to do is publish a well written PR and you will notice improvement in the ranking of your website in no time.

Here are some tips for ensuring you optimize your next press release :

Make sure your press release is newsworthy :

The first step you’ll want to take before you sit down to write your release is to make sure you aren’t just writing a marketing pitch. A press release should let people know about something new that’s happening, whether that’s internal company development, or a larger trend/story that your news/company fits into.

Clearly define your goals and Target  Audience :

Think long and hard about exactly which types of publications you are hoping to target with this release, and then write the release with those publications in mind. Really think about who your ideal audience would be, what story hook would appeal to them and how you might be able to interest them in your story.

Structure your release like a news story – and focus on getting your keywords in first two paragraphs :

Structure your release like a news story. If you studied journalism, you are familiar with the infamous inverted pyramid theory. Stick to that structure. The more the release is written like an existing news piece you might see in the press, the better chances you’ll have of getting it picked up.

In addition, search engines place a disproportionate amount of importance on the content early in your release — specifically the headline, subhead and first two paragraphs. Make sure to use your targeted keywords as often as you can within this space.

Optimized press releases offer the benefit of targeting your audience. Effective press releases build brand awareness with your customers, target new ones and continue to build your reputation.Optimized releases have the added benefit of driving potential clients to you. Your chosen keywords drive traffic to your site and build market exposure for your product or service.


Preeti Bagad [BE(CS)] 
SW Engineer Cum Blogger

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