
Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Internet Marketing- Pros and Cons

The boom of the internet has led to another platform for marketing. That is “internet marketing”.  What really makes internet marketing tick is the fact that the net dominates our lives these days. Our morning usually starts off with a hot coffee and a “Twitter update” or to check notifications on Facebook. Americans in the age range of 45-54 actually spend more time online than any generation. This shows that the internet has caught on with everyone. No wonder different organizations, businesses and entities are vying for attention on the internet. But everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. So does internet marketing! Today we are going to discuss the pros and cons of internet marketing:

Pros of internet marketing :

Many people automatically assume that marketing is about selling something, it is not. A great part of marketing is all about market research which many large and small companies rely on to find out their customers or target audience. Thanks to the internet and social media websites, market research has become so much easier. In addition, now companies can conduct market research at global levels because the internet connects people all around the world.

Another plus side of internet marketing is that it is instant. After all, paid per click advertisements allow you to reach your target audience instantly with the sales transaction occurring in seconds thanks to the credit card. Also, people not only browse for items in supermarkets and stores, but they also look for them on the internet.

Companies and entities are smart to build public relations through the internet. Anybody who is a big “somebody” probably has a Twitter account, a Facebook fan page and most recently introduced, a Google Plus account.

Cons of internet marketing :

The options the internet has can be mind boggling. There are social media websites, blogs, forums, chat rooms, main websites and online advertisements to choose from when planning to market something. The company or entity has to choose carefully which platform they want to sell their product of service in. Another negative side of internet marketing is the intense competition. Try bidding for the top keywords for PPC advertisements and you will see how expensive it can get. Last but not least, damage control is very difficult on the internet, meaning that gossip and complaints spread like wildfire on the internet. A Facebook status is enough to generate 10 comments from 10 different people. These are personal accounts so there is no way you can stop the discussion or your downfall from taking place.

Conclusion :

The conclusion to this post is that using internet marketing to promote yourself is an effective tool, but you should also be careful that the spotlight on you doesn’t end up on the negative side. It is recommended that you always have a back-up for damage control so that your company or your reputation doesn’t suffer. In the end, if you choose the right track and work ethically, you won’t have any problem in marketing.

Preeti Bagad [BE(CS)] 
SW Engineer Cum Blogger

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